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The Night is Dark: a reflection on The Letters

Dear Sisters, while the title of this post may seem grim or intimidating, I promise you there will be just as much light as there is dark ..

Seasons of infertility: pregnancy after loss

I had an almost paralyzing fear about being pregnant again. This was something I desperately wanted, yet wanted to run away from. ...

When the rug gets pulled

Every time we come to a new year, I wonder what it will hold. In the past few years, though, I’ve noticed that my gazes into the future...

When being open to life takes you into the unknown

I’ve always been pro-life. When I was in grade school I was even part of a “students for life” club. We prayed outside of abortion clinics..

Letters of encouragement: TTC and the 8 year wait

We were in front of the cathedral. It was nearing midnight. The air was crisp, I could see my breath. I was in need of physical healing...

God of the hills and valleys

“He’s God of the hills and valleys.” (Tauren Wells) While listening to the Sunday readings one day (Luke 17:5-10… faith the size of a musta

The hem of His garment

There have been so many times in the depths of my grief when I felt as if I, too, was hanging on to that single thread. After my losses...

4th week of Advent: Where are you, God?

“Where are you, God?” It’s a question I imagine Joseph might have prayed in the interior of His heart as He learnt the news of Mary...

Learning to accept God’s will through infertility

It is a surreal feeling to have your worst fear come true. From the time I was a little girl, all I wanted when I grew up was to be a wife..

Here we go again

The reality is that infertility has no finish line. If you’ve carried the cross of infertility and were able to give birth, you’ve...

When suffering and trust co-exist

So, fear not sister. In those places of littleness and longing and emptiness, press into TRUST. And please know that in the remaining days..

I don't know where else to go but Calvary

I don’t know where else to go but Calvary. The place where redemptive suffering consumes every broken heart that God has ever and will ...

God’s faithfulness during unanswered prayers

“God, where are You? Why aren’t You answering? Why aren’t You helping us? We are doing our part - why aren’t you doing Yours?” ...

If God is in the details, why am I still waiting?

But what happens when the signs stop appearing? When the snacks stop coming, we’re aching with hunger and can’t see any meals on the way...

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