Seasons of infertility: infertility with children
My infertility did not go away when we started growing our family. My children did not cure my infertility. That is not their job.
My infertility did not go away when we started growing our family. My children did not cure my infertility. That is not their job.
“I’m going to be honest with you because someone needs to be. At your current weight, you have no business trying to conceive”. I steady...
Lisa and I met and started dating in March of 1985. We have been married for 35 years. We are both cradle Catholics and active in our...
I met Our Lady, Star of the Sea on our first adoption journey. A case came through my email with a very specific name that the expectant...
I’ve always been pro-life. When I was in grade school I was even part of a “students for life” club. We prayed outside of abortion clinics..
On July 26 the Church celebrates the feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim, parents of Our Lady, and the fourth Sunday of July is therefore known..
We understand that Mothers’ Day can be difficult for couples experiencing infertility, loss, or any hard road to growing their family...
Perhaps your sister, daughter or friend has shared with you that she and her husband are going through infertility and you want to know...
The dead blooms of last year clung right beside the new buds which brimmed with possibility for the spring ahead. I did not see the roses...
Is there anything that more closely resembles the journey of infertility than the season of Lent? 40 long days alone in the desert, being...
It is a surreal feeling to have your worst fear come true. From the time I was a little girl, all I wanted when I grew up was to be a wife..
The reality is that infertility has no finish line. If you’ve carried the cross of infertility and were able to give birth, you’ve...
But what happens when the signs stop appearing? When the snacks stop coming, we’re aching with hunger and can’t see any meals on the way...
November is Adoption Awareness Month so we asked ourselves what that means. We decided that it means learning more about the gift and...
A truth that I have come to know and accept is this: in order to adopt, you must grieve.
A friend recently told me that when sharing their story of repeated miscarriages, she and her husband often heard the response, “Well,...
Is embryo adoption a morally licit option for a Catholic couple?