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Fiat: drawing near to Mary in infertility

Declare this truth, shout it forth in the face of the utter, blasphemous lie that infertility in any way affects our worth...

Finding fruitfulness beyond the wound

Dear Lord, I find myself plagued with a deep-rooted desire I am unable to quench. Only Your strength can heal this wound...

The Night is Dark: a reflection on The Letters

Dear Sisters, while the title of this post may seem grim or intimidating, I promise you there will be just as much light as there is dark ..

Lectio Divina: The Hemorrhaging Woman

We are excited to announce our upcoming virtual healing workshops! We will have two sessions, the first will be focused on identity and heal

Aimee’s IVF story

Successful, in the sense that four beautiful human lives were created. Unsuccessful in the sense that no babies were born.

RESOURCE: Dive right in!

When we find ourselves in any of these 3 places, it is important to first identify it, give yourself a little grace and understanding… then

The Miracle of the Milk Grotto

Had I prayed wrong? Was God angry with me? Was my faith weak? What had I done that rendered this miracle powder, which had brought blessings

My infertility creed, part 4: Light from light

Every human life is sacred. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2258) That includes yours and mine. All life comes to fruition through...

My infertility creed, part 3: Before all ages

Before I ever knew that we were infertile, God knew. Yet my husband and I never had any doubt that we were meant for each other. I truly...

My infertility creed, part 1: I believe in one God

(This is an excerpt from “The Spiritual Advent of Infertility” manuscript. This is the first in a 4-part series. You can find the links...

Seasons of infertility: infertility with children

My infertility did not go away when we started growing our family. My children did not cure my infertility. That is not their job.

Walking with St. Dymphna

Sisters, have you ever felt anxiety over a situation beyond your control? Believed that you could never be loved because of what was...

Seasons of infertility: pregnancy after loss

I had an almost paralyzing fear about being pregnant again. This was something I desperately wanted, yet wanted to run away from. ...

Choosing a method of Natural Family Planning

If you’re new to NFP, it can be confusing to hear mention of different methods, and often we only hear about whichever one is promoted in...

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