Boston Cross Check Method
Responses from Nicole Boylson (Boston Cross Check instructor for 2 years in Texas, USA).
“This method is particularly wonderful for those TTA. Because we have cross checks, and several of them.”
About Boston Cross Check
What does Boston Cross Check do for couples?
It helps them to be extra secure in their intimacy decisions and truly plan whether to avoid pregnancy or achieve.
What is the efficacy of Boston Cross Check?
It is 98-100% effective.
Is there a particular season where Boston Cross Check stands out?
This method is particularly wonderful for those TTA. Because we have cross checks (and several of them), it allows couples to be extra confident in knowing their fertile window has ended and there is no chance of a pregnancy. It’s also great for TTC for the same reasons. With so many biomarkers you’re able to really know when your body is ready to conceive.
Does Boston Cross Check identify underlying concerns?
Yes. By tracking temperatures, you’re able to see if there may be a progesterone issue since that is what causes the temps to rise or fall. The monitor tracks LH and estrogen, so having abnormal monitor readings could indicate an issue there as well.
Do you recommend Boston Cross Check for single women as well as married couples?
Yes, the more you know about your body the better! Every woman deserves to know what her body is doing during her cycle and why.
Learning Boston Cross Check
Where can you find a Boston Cross Check instructor?
All the instructors are listed at www.bostoncrosscheck.com
What is the expected financial commitment? Do practitioners in the USA accept insurance?
For regular cycles, 4 sessions will total $200. For postpartum charting, it’ll be $300 (from birth to the sixth menses) or $350 (if you haven’t already completed the regular cycles course before). No insurance.
Using Boston Cross Check
Why should couples utilize NFP?
If you’re Catholic, it’s awesome because it allows you to plan your family in accordance with Church teaching. Even if you’re not Catholic, it’s a wonderful way to let your body function in the way it was created by planning your family without any added hormones, devices or interferences. This all natural way is amazing and everyone should know how to do it.
What does Boston Cross Check involve and what is the time commitment?
The method involves hormonal monitoring, basal body temperature and cervical fluid, or any combination of two of these. You will check your basal body temperature once every morning, use the monitor once a day for about 10 days per cycle, and observe your cervical fluid multiple times throughout the day.
What tools or equipment are needed?
A ClearBlue fertility monitor for hormonal monitoring and a thermometer or tempdrop for talking your basal body temperature.
How can husbands be involved?
They can do the charting, stick the test stick in the monitor, set an alarm for the wife to take her temperature in the morning, and put flat folded sheets of toilet paper by the toilet ready to go.
If couples are using Boston Cross Check and not conceiving, what are the next steps?
After six months of no conception with accurate charting, I’d suggest they bring their chart to their OB/GYN and explain what their chart means so the doctor can have a clear understanding of what’s been going on in her cycle.
Is Boston Cross Check still helpful for couples who don’t have access to a NaProTechnology doctor?
Yes! NaPro doctors use Creighton charts but with Boston Cross Check we recommend bringing your charting information to your OB/GYN.
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