RESOURCE: Spring Clean Your Life (spiritually, emotionally and physically)
There’s something about the early morning birdsong, the melting snow, the rising temperatures, blooming flowers and increased daylight...
There’s something about the early morning birdsong, the melting snow, the rising temperatures, blooming flowers and increased daylight...
We are honored to share this reflection on the Stations of the Cross through the lens of infertility. It is a collaborative effort of...
St. Catherine of Sweden can be our patroness, our intercessor, in miscarriage, despite never having her own, because of her spiritual...
The devil is so cunning, isn’t he? Satan takes elements of truth and twists them in such a way that we suspend our free will because we...
If you are reading this blog post, the chances are you’re struggling with this very issue. Most people, like Olivia and William, find...
Sometimes something hurts so much that all you can do is cry. Honestly, it’s reassuring that there are so many women in the Bible who...
...what about “marriage and conflict”? I haven’t heard a song that does the topic justice. We don’t see the fights between Prince Charming..
So, as we approach the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, I don’t have a first-born to offer to God in thanksgiving for all He has...
Some call this a waking up of consciousness, others believe we are all one body and it’s the natural order of progression, and some even...
Reflect with us as we celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
"Is any among you sick? Let him call for the presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of...
No matter how tempting it is to engage in negative self-talk and repeat the same miserable story to ourselves, we must catch ourselves and r
As a woman who lives with infertility, bullet journaling has become a great creative outlet. It helps me stay organized but also gives me...
The opening of In This House of Brede captured my attention immediately. This 1969 novel by Rumer Godden portrays the lives of religious...
The more we die to ourselves, the more we find God. The more we find God, the more meaning we have in our lives, and we are able to unite..
“Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever!” I don’t know about you, but...
“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)
Social gatherings, whether around the holidays or any other time of the year, can often feel challenging to those struggling with...
November is Adoption Awareness Month so we asked ourselves what that means. We decided that it means learning more about the gift and...
In those moments where you’re angry with him or relating more to Thomas than not; when closed doors you were trying to pry open suddenly...