Why use affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements, phrases or sentences which can be repeated often to counteract negative thoughts or feelings of discouragement. If we declare and repeat these statements of truth often, we will be constantly reminded of our worth and will become adept at recognizing when a negative thought is actually a lie from the enemy. (For more about how to combat spiritual warfare, check out our resource “Wielding the sword of the spirit: fighting Satan’s lies with scripture”.)
How to use these affirmations
There are many ways you might choose to incorporate some of these affirmations into your daily life. Here are some examples.
Choose the affirmations which you find most helpful and encouraging. Write them on individual pieces of paper, fold them up and put them into a jar or a bowl. Each morning, pick a different affirmation out of the jar to use that day.
Choose a few favorite affirmations to write out and put somewhere you will see them every day. You could stick one on your mirror to read while you apply makeup or brush your teeth, prop one on your nightstand so that you see it when you wake up, put one on your refrigerator or pantry door to read before you prepare meals, etc. Read them aloud when you see them.
Identify the times when you often feel disheartened and incorporate an affirmation into your routine there. For example: if social media is sometimes triggering for you but you don’t feel ready to give it up, set an affirmation as the wallpaper on your phone and read it aloud before you open Instagram or Facebook; if you are going through medical treatment, write an affirmation in the notebook or paperwork that you take to appointments and read it aloud before and after the consultation; if get-togethers with certain friends are difficult, keep an affirmation in your purse to read on the way.
If you have a creative or artistic flair, pick an affirmation to write out beautifully and decorate it to make it into a beautiful piece of art to display in your home. Try calligraphy, painting, scrapbooking, collage or embroidery to bring the affirmation to life.
Confidently declare these affirmations whether it is easy to believe them that day or not. Repeat them often until they trip off the tongue. If there are statements below which you want to believe but find yourself repeatedly doubting, take them to prayer and ask God to open your heart to how He sees you, your marriage and the path you are walking. You may find this prayer time yields more truths which God wants you to know about yourself or about His love for you.
About me
I am loveable. I am worthy. I am more than enough.
I have unique gifts to share with others.
I am stronger than I think.
Although I’m angry, I am loved infinitely.
If I were the only person on this earth, Jesus would still have died for me.
God said “this is good” when He created me.
My body is good, beautiful and life-giving.
My body gives life when I use my hands and feet to serve those around me.
My body gives life when my ears receive the sorrow of another and my tongue speaks comfort and truth to an aching heart.
Each and every day, exactly as it is, my body gives life in important ways.
About God
God is for me.
God wants the best for me.
God has not forgotten or forsaken me.
God who is love has never stopped loving me.
His mercies are new each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-24)
The Lord is not withholding or vindictive against me in my infertility.
God is not afraid of my anger over my situation.
God is big. He can take it.
About my vocation
My vocation has purpose.
I have purpose in my life because I am a beloved of God.
My life and vocation are beautiful and worthy of God’s graces.
I was not deceived in my vocation to marriage and motherhood; God gave me these desires for a reason.
Spiritual motherhood is not less than biological motherhood.
The loving and tending of souls is work of an eternal nature and eternal importance.
About my marriage
My spouse and I are a team.
My spouse and I are a family.
The Church needs me and my marriage.
My marriage in and of itself is a complete and whole vocation.
There is more to us than this battle.
Whatever the outcome, we will survive.
Together we are walking the road to heaven, hand in hand.
About this season
I am strong and courageous.
There is purpose to my pain.
Fear is not my reality.
Fear is a feeling, a valid response to difficult things, but it does not have the final say on my life or who I am.
This moment is God’s Providence for me and I choose to embrace the hidden graces within it.
The Lord is present in my grief and mourns for my infertility as well.
He carries my cross with me. He weeps with me. His heart breaks with mine.
About waiting
In my waiting, I can be used for His glory.
God has filled me with peace and hope.
He is using me to glorify Him in this season.
He is working while we wait.
Everything is made perfect and beautiful in His timing.
About my medical treatment
I have trust in my medical team.
I am honoring the body God gave me by taking care of my reproductive health.
I am worthy of being healthy and getting to the root of my medical issues.
The cost of surgery is worth becoming more healthy, even if we don’t have children as a result.
About those around me
I am grateful for the many blessings in my life.
I am thankful for the support that I have.
I do not owe anyone an explanation for my childlessness.
My friends and family with children value my input and involvement.