“Then they came to a place called Gethesmane, and he said to his disciples, ‘Sit here while I pray.’ He took with him Peter, James, and John and began to be troubled and distressed. Then he said to them, ‘My soul is sorrowful even to death. Remain here and keep watch.’” (Mark 14:32-34)
Throughout Holy Week, let us be vigilant and keep watch. As we hear of Christ’s suffering and sacrifice for our souls, may we yearn to completely unite our own suffering with his.
The Fruitful Hollow team has outlined some preparations, traditions and events that you can take part in at home and in church to keep the focus on Christ this week. Here’s what to look out for on The Fruitful Hollow each day this week and how you can participate. Make sure to subscribe to TheFrutifulHollow.com to be notified when the blog posts are published!
Monday, March 29th
On the blog: Making a paschal candle for your home (by Serenity Quesnelle)
Planning ahead: after reading the blog, gather what you will need to create your own paschal candle.
Planning ahead: write down a list of three churches near to you and find out when they are open this week.
Planning ahead: find out when you can receive the sacrament of Reconciliation at your parish this week.
Tuesday, March 30th
On the blog: A Holy Thursday tradition: church visitation (by Kristin D)
Planning ahead: after reading the blog, reach out to family and friends and see if anyone is interested in joining you for the Holy Thursday pilgrimage.
Create your family paschal candle. (We’d love it if you shared a photo of your candle with us!)
“Spy Wednesday”, March 31st
On the blog: Spy Wednesday: a closer look at Judas in the Gospels
Do an Examination of Conscience. If you don’t have an Examination of Conscience that you’re used to using, you can find one on the Catholic Confession Guide and Laudate apps.
Make a plan to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before Easter if you haven’t already done so during Lent.
“In preparation for Holy Week, I suggest taking a serious look at our own sinful and toxic behaviors. Ponder a need for a savior. This exercise makes us appreciate Jesus’ sacrificial love for us while we were still enemies by sin.” (Father Christohper Shackelford)
Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), April 1st
On the blog: Suffering from deception (by Father Christopher Shackelford)
Make a personal pilgrimage to three different churches and spend time there in prayer and adoration. If you cannot travel to churches in person, we have listed some virtual options all over the world in our Tuesday blog post “A Holy Thursday tradition: church visitation”. We will be sharing photos and videos of our pilgrimages on this day through Instagram stories.
Attend the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Read today’s Gospel at home as a family and wash each other’s feet as a symbolic act of servitude.
Good Friday, April 2nd
Due to the somber nature of this day, we will not be posting on the blog. However, we recommend diving deeper into Good Friday in some of the following ways.
Attend a solemn liturgy at your church.
Participate in Veneration of the Cross. (If COVID restrictions prevent Veneration of the Cross from taking place at your church, or if you are not attending a church service today, you may choose to do this at home.)
Pray the Liturgy of the Hours. (If you don’t have a breviary at home, you can find the prayers on the Laudate app.)
Pray the Stations of the Cross.
Holy Saturday, April 3rd
Due to the somber nature of this day, we will not be posting on the blog. However, today we will be sharing the names of brothers and sisters who will be received into the Catholic Church tonight at the Easter vigil. Please remember these people in your prayers today.
Easter Sunday, April 4th
Happy Easter!
“Then the angel said to the woman in reply, ‘Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as He said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, “He has been raised from the dead, and He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him.” Behold, I have told you.’ Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples.” (Matthew 28:5-8)